My Overambitious TBR of 2020

Like most booklovers, I have plans of reading a bucketload this year. I’m setting my usual 50 book reading goal to 75 (but striving for 100–though I’m not certain how well that’s going to pan out with both Uni and fulltime work calling my name). I also want to spend more time on this blogContinueContinue reading “My Overambitious TBR of 2020”

All the Books I Read in 2019!

I was supposed to split this post up into two. Do half of it in July and then the other half now, but you know, sometimes plans don’t work out and you have to work twice as hard now because past-you was just lazy. Well… that’s what I’m experiencing now. Let’s dive into what I’veContinueContinue reading “All the Books I Read in 2019!”

DRY – Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: Young Adult – DystopianTarget Audience: 12+Rating: Undetermined.Goodreads Rating: 3/5 This book took me for a ride, and I’m still not sure if that’s a good thing on not. A multi-perspective novel that follows the story of a country low on its luck as a disasterous drought devastates the land. The country goesContinueContinue reading “DRY – Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman (Honest Review)”

WHISPER – Lynette Noni (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: Young Adult – Science FictionTarget Audience: 14+Rating: A (90%)Goodreads Rating: 5/5 ‘Jane Doe’ has been locked away and experimented on for over two years, when suddenly her routine is changed, because if she keeps remaining silent, she might not have a choice in what comes next. A very engaging and exciting novelContinueContinue reading “WHISPER – Lynette Noni (Honest Review)”

Quote of the Week!

“ Death is not the only punishment you can give a person. You can also give them nightmares.” ― Veronica Roth, The Fates Divide

AURORA RISING – Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: Young Adult – Science FictionTarget Audience: 14+Rating: B- (70%)Goodreads Rating: 4/5 GOODREADS DESCRIPTION:The year is 2380, and the graduating cadets of Aurora Academy are being assigned their first missions. Star pupil Tyler Jones is ready to recruit the squad of his dreams, but his own boneheaded heroism sees him stuck with theContinueContinue reading “AURORA RISING – Jay Kristoff & Amie Kaufman (Honest Review)”

Must-Read Australian YA Authors

Hello! Welcome! Or should I say g’day mate? (I don’t think I’ve ever used that phrase in a serious context) I’m Australian is what I’m trying to say, and I just wanted to promote the writers of my land (because they’re all pretty great). So let’s get to it! 1: Fleur Ferris Author of: Risk,ContinueContinue reading “Must-Read Australian YA Authors”

YA Books with Badass Leading Ladies

Hello! Welcome! I’m just going to dive straight into it. Let’s go! #1: Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, 18-year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on oneContinueContinue reading “YA Books with Badass Leading Ladies”

MASSIVE BOOK HAUL 3/3 (6 Months worth of books!)

Soooo, throughout the duration of posting my Rainbow Shelf Tour (you can find that here), I never once posted an update about the new books I was purchasing, and therefore haven’t done a Book Haul in about six months. That’s crazy! It will come to no surprise that:1) This is gonna be a long post,ContinueContinue reading “MASSIVE BOOK HAUL 3/3 (6 Months worth of books!)”

Rainbow Bookshelf Tour – Black Books (30/30)

OHMIGOODNESS! THIS IS THE LAST ONE! There’s no more Rainbow Bookshelf Tour after this post. After months of sharing my books and exposing my terrible habit of buying books and just staring at them instead of reading them, we’re at the end. (And let me tell you, I have a MASSIVE haul coming up, 6ContinueContinue reading “Rainbow Bookshelf Tour – Black Books (30/30)”