August TBR

July wasn’t the best reading month for me. I’ve definitely fallen behind more than I already was. Considering the unfortunate factors that were introduced to me during July (you can find the post about that here), I’m giving myself a pass on that month. It just means that this month really needs to be aContinueContinue reading “August TBR”

Tiggity Tag: Book Characters and Me Book Tag

I’ve decided to take a break from stealing everyone else’s tags and create my own. That’s a joke by the way — I always give credit where credit is due. Just this time, the credit goes to me. Anywho! Quick and simple: It’s about characters. Don’t look ahead, just answer the question and move on.ContinueContinue reading “Tiggity Tag: Book Characters and Me Book Tag”

Short Review: BOY SWALLOWS UNIVERSE by Trent Dalton

Follow 12-year-old Eli through his rough teen years involving drugs, violence, and mayhem. What a lyrical book! An extremely well-written novel from an Australian author. I truly understand how this book has gotten so much attention and praise, despite it not being the type of book for me. Although this isn’t the type of novelContinueContinue reading “Short Review: BOY SWALLOWS UNIVERSE by Trent Dalton”

Quote of the Week!

“I stabbed you. With a massive sword. You caught on fire.”His lips twitched, almost imperceptibly. “Okay, so maybe our problems aren’t like other couples.” — Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Quote of the Week!

“But she was the one person I could be myself around and never feel judged. The one person that I knew would always pick up the phone, or call me back. She was the one person who made me feel brave because no matter what happened, no matter how bad or embarrassing or shitty itContinueContinue reading “Quote of the Week!”

Quote of the Week!

“We are not broken things, neither of us. We are cracked pottery mended with laquer and flakes of gold, whole as we are, complete unto each other. Complete and worthy and so very loved.” — Mackenzi Lee, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue

Current TBR

I keep trying to give myself time constraints on my TBR, and the fact is, it never works. I feel like I’m so busy at the moment with work, uni, Written on the Pages, and writing, that picking a time period just places too much stress on my shoulders. What I’m going to do isContinueContinue reading “Current TBR”


SPOILER FREE! Genre: Literary Fiction – Mental HealthTarget Audience: 14+Rating: A- (86%)Goodreads Rating: 4/5 WARNING: This book does contain verbal and physical abuse. Literary fiction isn’t normally something that I’m eager to pick up. It usually takes me a hot minute to convince myself that I’ll enjoy it. My boss convinced me to read thisContinueContinue reading “ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE – Gail Honeyman (Honest Review)”

THE BLADE ITSELF – Joe Abercrombie (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! THE FIRST BOOK IN ‘THE FIRST LAW’ TRILOGY. Genre: FantasyTarget Audience: 16+Rating: C (60%)Goodreads Rating: 4/5 The Blade Itself focuses on three leading characters that are all fleshed out and seem ready to step from the pages. It starts with Logen Ninefingers, a once very dangerous and brutal man that’s trying to stepContinueContinue reading “THE BLADE ITSELF – Joe Abercrombie (Honest Review)”