Life Update: Easy Going

MENTAL HEALTH I’m happy. Something has triggered the happy endorphins in my brain and I’m not complaining at all. I’m keeping myself hard at work — whilst also giving myself any much-needed break that I need. I can tell the stress and sadness is still lingering somewhere deep in my mind, like a stain thatContinueContinue reading “Life Update: Easy Going”

Life Update: Is it looking up?

MENTAL HEALTH As I mentioned last time, I’m finding some things a little rough at the moment. Or at least, I was. I don’t really know what’s changed, if I’m going to be honest, but there’s a spark in me that I haven’t felt in a long while. There’s a sense of happiness lurking justContinueContinue reading “Life Update: Is it looking up?”

Life Update: Health & Wellness

MENTAL HEALTH I think my mental health is at an all time low. I find myself reaching for meaningless shows over working on my passions. I’m intentionally sleeping through my alarms in the morning, getting out of bed at the last possibly moment. I’m stressed – financially. I know that. That’s been an issue forContinueContinue reading “Life Update: Health & Wellness”


SPOILER FREE! Genre: Young Adult – ContemporaryTarget Audience: 12+Rating: A- (86%)Goodreads Rating: 5/5 This one took me by sruprise! I was not expecting to fall in love with the plot of this story as much as I did, and that’s the honest truth. When I read Jennifer E. Smith’s other novel, Windfall, it had beenContinueContinue reading “HELLO, GOODBYE, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN – Jennifer E. Smith (Honest Review)”

CRESCENT CITY: House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J Maas (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: Adult Fantasy/RomanceTarget Audience: 18+Rating: A (90%)Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Being stuck in lockdown has had one positive affect, I get to read all the time! I managed to finish Sarah J Maas’s newest release, and “first” adult fantasy novel, Crescent City. SIDENOTE (skip this paragraph for the review): As much as I loveContinueContinue reading “CRESCENT CITY: House of Earth and Blood – Sarah J Maas (Honest Review)”

PUMPKINHEADS – Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: Graphic Novel – ContemporaryTarget Audience: 12+Rating: A- (86%)Goodreads Rating: 5/5 If you’re after a super cute and super fast contemporary graphic novel, then this is the one for you. With extreme fall/autumn vibes, it will have you craving a pumpkin spice latte, and wishing for the leaves to start colouring. I haveContinueContinue reading “PUMPKINHEADS – Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks (Honest Review)”

RED, WHITE, AND ROYAL BLUE – Casey McQuiston (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: New Adult – Contemporary – LGBTTarget Audience: 17+Rating: A (100%)Goodreads Rating: 5/5 As I reviewed a recommended book from my co-worker last week, I thought it might be fitting to do that again. This time, not my boss, a different co-worker (that I convinced to read Sarah J Maas), fell head overContinueContinue reading “RED, WHITE, AND ROYAL BLUE – Casey McQuiston (Honest Review)”


SPOILER FREE! Genre: Literary Fiction – Mental HealthTarget Audience: 14+Rating: A- (86%)Goodreads Rating: 4/5 WARNING: This book does contain verbal and physical abuse. Literary fiction isn’t normally something that I’m eager to pick up. It usually takes me a hot minute to convince myself that I’ll enjoy it. My boss convinced me to read thisContinueContinue reading “ELEANOR OLIPHANT IS COMPLETELY FINE – Gail Honeyman (Honest Review)”

ONLY MOSTLY DEVASTATED – Sophia Gonzales (Honest Review)

SPOILER FREE! Genre: Young Adult – Contemporary – LGBT RetellingTarget Audience: 12+Rating: A (90%)Goodreads Rating: 5/5 If you’re dying to read an LGBT retelling of the classic movie, Grease, then you’ve come to the right book. This contains adorable scenes, frustrating characters that you want to smoosh together, and friendships that are just meant toContinueContinue reading “ONLY MOSTLY DEVASTATED – Sophia Gonzales (Honest Review)”