Impromptu Readathon

Anyone that’s been following my blog for a while knows that I’ve been hosting the TBR-athon’s since the beginning with my good friend, Alex Butler. Find her here. She’s fabulous. Last Tuesday morning I woke up after the best sleep ever and decided you know what would be fun? A FREAKING READATHON. Now, I knowContinueContinue reading “Impromptu Readathon”

Rainbow Bookshelf Tour – Blue Books (10/30)

Welcome to the fifth shelf of the Rainbow Bookshelf Tour! This is the tenth segment to my Rainbow Bookshelf Tour. If you want to view the other colours in the rainbow, click here! My name is Tash and you’ll be witnessing all of the books I love and adore. I’m going to attach descriptions fromContinueContinue reading “Rainbow Bookshelf Tour – Blue Books (10/30)”

Rapid Fire (Tiggity Tag Friday)

E-Book Or Physical Book? Welcome back to Tiggity Tag Friday! Where I pick a book tag, give credit where it’s due and ignore the rest of the rules! If you feel like participating in this tag, you’re officially tagged  😜  You should definitely link me to where you’ve done this tag or any other tag!ContinueContinue reading “Rapid Fire (Tiggity Tag Friday)”

To Be Readathon (Dec ’18)

A few times a year my friend,  Alex and I participate in a 24 hour Reading Marathon called the TO BE READATHON. This readathon is less about how many books you can cram into a day and more about how much time you can find to read in a day. It’s about enjoying what youContinueContinue reading “To Be Readathon (Dec ’18)”

TO BE READATHON: The Nitty Gritty Details!

Every few months, Alex Butler from alexbutler.writer (on Instagram) and I plan a 24 hour period of just reading. That’s right! It’s a marathon, for reading! Hence, a Readathon. We are, by no means, the ones who created the term ‘Readathon’, in fact, our Readathon was born because of the wonderful Booktuber (Youtuber that talksContinueContinue reading “TO BE READATHON: The Nitty Gritty Details!”